Welcome to the English pages of the Dutch National Key Registry of the Subsurface

As the starting point for a coherent policy and responsible spatial choices, unequivocal, reliable data and information about the soil and subsurface of the Netherlands are vitally necessary, on both a regional and local scale. With that in mind, work is underway on preparing a National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO) in which in managed stages, more and more subsurface data is being compiled, so that it can be accessed by everyone.

Thanks to the BRO, in the future, all the data will be provided at the same validated, high level of quality, and will be freely available to everyone. Government will be better equipped to implement its planning processes and management tasks more efficiently and will be able to improve the quality of its service provision.

About the key register

Why a key register of the subsurface and other backgrounds of the BRO.


The Key Registry of the Subsurface is laid down in law.

Data types

Tegel registratieobjecten

The BRO covers 24 data types from 6 data domains.

Case studies

What happens in practice? Take a look at various case studies.